
Mindset & Learning Languages

Mindset & Learning Languages

This past week I have been not that motivated to get into my Mandarin studies, and it got me thinking about when I was first learning Dutch and those early days when I just wanted nothing to do with the language anymore. The only thing was that I lived in The Netherlands and there was no escaping it. I was forced to keep my head in the game and still be exposed to the language even when I didn't have to be actively motivated.  I can't uproot my life and go and live in China at the moment, and so...

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[VIDEO] How To Make Time For Language Learning

[VIDEO] How To Make Time For Language Learning

  I wanted to share how I manage to squeeze language study into a busy life looking after a baby. I've also included my free study planner here on this website so click here if you want to grab a copy of that. In this video I'm sharing my methods for how to find time to study and making realistic goals for language learning. I hope you enjoy this video and feel free to send me an email or a DM on instagram (@caseykilmore) if you want any help brainstorming some study techniques that might work for you :) Happy studying...x

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How To Choose The Perfect Language Partner

How To Choose The Perfect Language Partner

Choosing a language partner may not seem like a big task but getting it wrong can hinder your progress and your motivation to learn a language. I wanted to put together some handy tips to make sure you're getting the most out of your study sessions with a language partner and how to make sure you choose someone who is right for you.     1. Do you feel comfortable In the beginning and even not in the beginning, you're going to be making a lot of mistakes, and I mean a lot. Making mistakes goes hand in hand with...

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How to make time for language

How to make time for language

- Making Time For Language Study - How many times have you decided to learn a language only to commit for a few days, a week or maybe a whole month before you fell of the motivation bandwagon? Your language resources piled up in a corner working there way further and further down the priority list until you completely forget about it all together. Today I wanted to talk about making time for study how to plan your study so that it becomes a part of your daily routine and keeping motivated when it comes to the long haul. -...

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